Vagabond MC Data Policy and Consent Form
Posted by Phil Black on 23 May 2018
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on the 25 May 2018, and will impact on how we manage information we hold about members of the club.
Although we are a small club the regulations still affect us and can't just be ignored. In order to remain in compliance with both current and the new data protection legislation it is necessary for the club to seek specific consent to hold and process the information we have about you.
To this end we have just sent out a Policy and Consent Form email to all members who have provided an email address and will be sending a similar letter to other members without.
Please read and respond to the email/letter as a matter of urgency, as without your consent we will no longer be able to to hold information about you such as addresses and contact details.
If you have not received anything from us yet you can also view and complete the Policy and Consent Form by clicking here, it only takes about 60 seconds to complete.